Plant hire

‘Request to hire’

We offer a ‘request to hire’ process where you submit a wishlist of products to us for approval. Once we have received your request we will check the availability of the items and confirm with you via phone and/or email.
Details of the production company and/or hirer must be supplied prior to or on the day of pick-up. Large orders require a deposit in advance. Final payment is due within 7 days of the date on the invoice.


We offer pots, plants and artificials in various sizes and styles. All hires are calculated at a weekly rate. 

As a rough guide:

  • Plants under 500mm: $10-$40 p/w* 

  • Plants 500-1200mm: $40-$75 p/w* 

  • Plants 1200-1800mm: $75-$100 p/w*

  • Plants over 1800mm: $100-$130 p/w*

  • Pots depending on size and style: $5-$75 p/w*

  • There are some plants that will exceed these rates but they will be noted at request stage-mostly large cacti as they

    require more packaging and handling detail.

*Excludes GST


Pick-up is available in Rosebery, Sydney.

Delivery is also available at an additional charge. Please mention this at request stage where possible.

The Range

Most plants have been photographed in a white ‘cover’ pot for aesthetics.

All the real plants are grown in normal nursery type black plastic ‘grow pots’ and its their dimensions that are noted if you prefer to source your own cover pots. 

Cover pots only include top of pot diameter so in some instances there may be issues with exact fittings.
We have tried to accommodate this where possible with comfortable sizings.

Real plants are subject to growth and pruning so dimensions should be assumed to be close but still ‘roundabout.

Please enquire if delivery is required. Additional charges apply.
Quantities of each item are included with ‘multiple’ relating to 3+ available. 

Need help with what you need? 

Email or give us a call to make an appointment to drop in.


0412 108 575

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